Teilhabe an der allgemeinen und berufliche Bildung (einschließlich Schulabbruch)
Ausgewählte Publikationen
Kanellopoulos, N.C., Missos, V., Cholezas, I. (2020), Evaluating the current legislated legal minimum monthly and daily wage rate, Coordinated by N.C. Kanellopoulos. Report prepared for the Ministry of Labour and Social affairs.
Cholezas, I., Kanellopoulos, N.C., Benos, N., Paizis, N., Kastis, N., Kotsios, V., Fotopoulos, N. (2019), Developing a Human Capital Development Plan, Coordinated by I. Cholezas. Report prepared for the SRSS (acting as a medium for the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity). Joint project with KANEP-GSEE.
Cholezas, I. (2019), Assessing the reform of the system of professional qualifications recognition in Greece, In Structural Reforms in Greece 2010-2018,Coordinated by Athanassiou, E., Kotsi, A., Nitsi, E., Report prepared for the Austrian Institute for Economic Research (WIFO) (acting as a medium for the European Commission).
Cholezas, I. (2018), What Makes Greek Youth More Vulnerable to Unemployment?, In European Youth Labour Markets, Springer, pp. 45-60.
Cholezas, I., Kanellopoulos, N. C. (2015), Labour market reforms in Greece and the wage curve, Economics Letters, 136, pp. 19-21.
Cholezas, I., Kanellopoulos, N. C., Mitrakos, T., Tsakloglou, P. (2013), The impact of the current crisis on private returns to education in Greece, Economic Bulletin, 38, pp. 33-63.
Mitrakos, Th., Tsakloglou, P., Cholezas, I. (2010), Determinants of wages in Greece with emphasis on tertiary education graduates wages, Bank of Greece, Economic Bulletin, 34, pp. 7-42.
Mitrakos, Th., Tsakloglou, P., Cholezas, I. (2010), Contributing factors on the possibility of youth unemployment in Greece with emphasis on tertiary education graduates, Bank of Greece, Economic Bulletin, 33, pp. 23-68.