Alternative financing models and student loans in higher education

Hatidža Jahić, Nejra Hadžiahmetović-Milišić

This report aims to provide an analysis of alternative financing models from the student perspective, by reviewing the literature on the interests and deliberations of students and providers. The desk research carried out for this report is not limited to higher education, but also explores relevant literature that analyses alternative financing models within the domains of teaching and learning, adult and vocational education, and others.
The report is structured as follows: to set the scene, we briefly summarise the concepts that underpin traditional student funding, the main providers, and their main motivations. Alternative funding models are then analysed in the section that follows, which focuses on students’ motivations for choosing the respective models as a way to fund their progress through education. The next section of the report explores the motivations for businesses to provide funding to students and adult learners. The report concludes by summarising its main findings and providing recommendations.

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