The European Commission, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, has awarded a contract to implement and further develop the European Tertiary Education Register (ETER).
The objectives for the new three-year contract are to strengthen ETER as the reference source for data on higher education institutions, enhance data expertise and management capability in Europe. In addition, usage, impact and analysis of ETER data will be promoted.
A feasibility assessment will be conducted to integrate new data sets to strengthen ETER to support the development of the European Education Area.
ETER will continue to cooperate on data collection, analysis, methodology, approach and ensure that data from different higher education data tools, both European and international, may be combined to provide evidence for policy.
Your continued support in providing data and in using ETER data is highly valued.
The contract will be implemented by a consortium of five partners (USI, Lugano; JOANNEUM RESEARCH, Graz; AIT, Vienna; NIFU, Oslo; Sapienza University, Rome) in close collaboration with EUROSTAT and National Statistical Authorities. A release of updated data up to the year 2019 is foreseen for early 2022.
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